My posts have been a little scattered this summer. Part of this was the result of a hectic summer and part was the result of what appears to have been a Blogger malfunction.
I try to stay a week or two ahead on this blog, writing interesting things up as I find them and then scheduling them to be posted on a regular "odd day" schedule, but a while back my posts started being published as soon as I hit "Publish" instead of dropping into the schedule. This pushed me into writing and posting on the same day, and I just could not keep up. Since I am a scatterbrained idiot when it comes to routines and schedules this obviously did not work out well.
Blogger is fixed now, and the work load is easing off so perhaps my postings will be a little more consistent.
PS If you like this blog, let me know. Sometimes I feel like I am yelling into an empty auditorium and a little feedback would be appreciated. Just drop a line to jhh at blacktailbooks dot com.
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Search My Notes
There are many pages of posts on many subjects, and only a few show on this main page. Search for the subjects that you are interested in.
Topics covered in here tend toward Gadgetry, Weapons, Books, Tools, and a lot of other things that have captured my interest.
Please note the "Linked From Here" tab on the results, which lists search results from sites I have linked to in my posts.
Topics covered in here tend toward Gadgetry, Weapons, Books, Tools, and a lot of other things that have captured my interest.
Please note the "Linked From Here" tab on the results, which lists search results from sites I have linked to in my posts.
Accurate Shooter Daily Bulletin
Accurate shooter is a site worth visiting for general firearms knowledge and specific information. They post great daily bulletins, and articles like this one.
TECH TIP: How to Determine Your Barrel’s Actual Twist Rate
Before you purchase a bunch of bullets and set off to develop loads it’s wise to determine the true twist rate of your new barrel. Sinclair International, in its Reloading Press Blog provides a simple procedure for determining the actual twist rate of your barrel. Read on to learn how….
How Twist Rate Affects Bullet Stability
Most of you know that the twist of the rifling in the barrel is what puts spin on the bullet. As a bullet is pushed down the barrel and compressed into the rifling, the bullet follows the path or twist of the rifling. The combination of velocity and bullet spin is what stabilizes the bullet. Finding the twist rate for your barrel will help you in selecting appropriate weight bullets for your firearm. Remember, the general rule is that the faster the twist rate for a given caliber, the longer the bullet (of that caliber) you will be able to stabilize. (Generally speaking, a longer bullet will also be a heavier bullet, but the bullet geometry dictates the needed twist rather than the weight per se.)
Determining Barrel Twist Rate Empirically
Twist rate is defined as the distance in inches of barrel that the rifling takes to make one complete revolution. An example would be a 1:10″ twist rate. A 1:10″ barrel has rifling that makes one complete revolution in 10 inches of barrel length. Rifle manufacturers usually publish twist rates for their standard rifle offerings and custom barrels are always ordered by caliber, contour, and twist rate. If you are having a custom barrel chambered you can ask the gunsmith to mark the barrel with the twist rate.
Erik Dahlberg illustration courtesy
Sinclair’s Simple Twist Rate Measurement Method
If are unsure of the twist rate of the barrel, you can measure it yourself in a couple of minutes. You need a good cleaning rod with a rotating handle and a jag with a fairly tight fitting patch. Utilize a rod guide if you are accessing the barrel through the breech or a muzzle guide if you are going to come in from the muzzle end. Make sure the rod rotates freely in the handle under load. Start the patch into the barrel for a few inches and then stop. Put a piece of tape at the back of the rod by the handle (like a flag) or mark the rod in some way. Measure how much of the rod is still protruding from the rod guide. You can either measure from the rod guide or muzzle guide back to the flag or to a spot on the handle. Next, continue to push the rod in until the mark or tape flag has made one complete revolution. Re-measure the amount of rod that is left sticking out of the barrel. Use the same reference marks as you did on the first measurement. Next, subtract this measurement from the first measurement. This number is the twist rate. For example, if the rod has 24 inches remaining at the start and 16 inches remain after making one revolution, you have 8 inches of travel, thus a 1:8 twist barrel.
This rifling illustration was created by Danish graphic artist Erik Dahlberg. It is published here courtesy, an excellent website for forensic firearms examiners.
The site is well laid out and easy to navigate and there is a lot of good info on late-breaking firearms news, product releases and technical articles.
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Empty Cases -- A Gunwriter's Blog

Empty Cases is an interesting blog that you might enjoy.
My name is Richard Mann and I’m a gunwriter.
Nobody – not editors or even family members – really know what a gunwriter does. I don’t know what other gunwriters do. I have a good idea about those that are friends and some sneaking suspicions about others.
Many believe since a gunwriter’s name appears in print in a glossy magazine that he makes a lot of money. My neighbors think all I do is shoot, friends believe it takes no longer to write an article than it does to read it, my kids think all I do is travel and my wife wishes she had a job like mine but with food or fashion as the topic. My mother-in-law thinks I’m lazy and just play on the computer all time – except when I shooting or hunting.
I have to admit, it never really feels like work to me – more of an all-consuming hobby. I only hope my writings and photographs might enlighten some and entertain others. I can’t say that a look at what I do from time to time will bring you any closer to understanding what the gunwriting profession is all about. Most of you probably could care less.
What I can do on this BLOG is give you a peak into the life of a hillbilly that has managed to find a way to pay his bills without having a real job. On occasion, I also might be able to share with you something I have learned or show you some new and really cool guns, gear or places and things to hunt.
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On The Issues: Every Leader, Every Issue
On The Issues: Every Leader, Every Issue! Pretty much sums it up. This site helps you separate the lies from the truth, or at least gives you all the records of how all the politicians have performed in the past regardless of what they mifght say today..
The are lists of Governors, House of Representative members, and Senators and their challengers, books they have authored, issues, SOTU and State of the State speeches.
Politicians are rated on most major issues: Strongly Support, Support, No Opinion, Oppose, or Strongly Oppose.
There are forums, and a mix of related political information. If you really want to vote carefully instead of blindly, if you want to be able to pick out lies and half-truths in speeches and promises, you should spend some time researching here. Most of our country's problems come from the people WE elected, and we owe it to ourselves to be informed before we vote again.
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Zombie Squad
The Zombie Squad is worth visiting for a lot of good, solid information on survival and preparedness. The forums are excellent!
It bills itself as "an elite zombie suppression task force ready to defend your neighborhood from the shambling hordes of the walking dead. We provide trained, motivated, skilled zombie extermination professionals and zombie survival consultants. Our people and our training are the best in the industry."
"When the zombie removal business is slow we focus our efforts towards educating ourselves and our community about the importance of disaster preparation. If you are prepared for zombies, you're prepared for anything. To satisfy this goal we host disaster relief charity fundraisers, disaster preparation seminars and volunteer our time towards emergency response agencies."
Our goal is to educate the public about the importance of personal preparedness and self reliance, to increase its readiness to respond to disasters such as Earthquakes, Floods, Terrorism or Zombie Outbreaks. We want to make sure you are prepared for any crisis situation that might come along in your daily life which may include having your face eaten by the formerly deceased.
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Bike Motor Kits
BikeMotorKit lets you Convert your "V Frame" bike to a Moped - Easily and Affordably. Well, assuming <$300 is affordable....!
This kit comes with every thing that you'll need to convert any regular 26" single speed or multi speed mountain bike into a motorized bike. You'll still be able to pedal the bike and ride like normal or start the engine by releasing the clutch lever. There's no rope pulling needed. You can stop or start the engine as you ride. Twist grip hand throttle controls speeds from 35 to 40/mph depending on the gear ratio. The 1/2 gallon tank can easily take you about 60-70+ miles nonstop.
This installation kit comes with a 44 tooth 9 hole chrome racing sprocket with easy to install 9 bolt universal mounting hardware that clamps over the rear wheel hub and spokes. This creates a totally independent drive sprocket and chain that does not interfere with your current drive chain or peddling.
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