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Survival/Outdoor Gear News, Tests & Reviews

The Definitive Source for Independent Reviews & Information
on Outdoors Gear and Survival Equipment and Techniques

Be prepared. This huge site is the best I have found. Survival stories, equipment tests, reviews of knives, guns, and all kinds of other outdoor gear, lots of great info.
  • Traffic to this site has grown by the double digits, starting when "things really got depressed economically." Since the site's launch in 1996, it has seen a steady 5 percent growth with 50 percent leaps after major disasters.

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Charlton Heston's NRA Speech

This is a little more mainstream now than it was at the time.

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The "Collector's Source" for Vintage Toys

And replicas, and action figures, and . . .

Articles, information, pictures, pricing, sources, and modern replicas.

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Free NRA Memberships

"We must all hang together, or most assuredly, we shall all hang separately."

Spoken By Benjamin Franklin in response to a comment by John Hancock at the signing of the Declaration of Independence, who said they must all hang together, stressing that there must be unanimity in support of independence. Franklin's quote was a play on those words, joking that if they did not hang together, they would be hanged separately for treason.

This is true today. Whether you like the NRA or not, it is the ONLY voice we have for our rights.
Date: Sunday, April 26, 2009

The NRA is giving FREE 1-yr memberships to everyone who wants to join.

They are trying to build up their membership to fight pending legislation that impacts our right to keep and bear arms.

It is very important that anti-gun congressmen see how many people they will have to fight to get their legislation through.

This can include spouses and children also.

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